Category : News

My 2024 Year in Review and Life Update

Chapters in our lives don’t normally fall in line with dates on the calendar, but the end of a year is always a good time to reflect. For me, 2024 (and much of 2023) have been all about one country – this is not a new love affair but one......

A New, Unique, Silent, Yoga and Meditation Retreat in the Algarve, Portugal

Portugal has become one of the most popular yoga hotspots in recent years with a huge variety of yoga, wellness and meditation retreats on offer all over this beautiful country. One of the best places to head for a retreat holiday are the sun soaked beaches of the Algarve in......

What does India’s demonetization mean for tourists? (Plus tips to help you cope)

How will the demonetization of the 500 & 1000 Rupee bills affect travel in India? Imagine waking up one day and finding that most of your cash is now worthless… that’s basically what has happened in India. On the 9th November 2016, all currency denominations of 500 Rupees and 1,000......

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