About Anna

Welcome to Global Gallivanting from a rickshaw in India!
Welcome to Global Gallivanting from a rickshaw in India!

Hi, I’m Anna.

I’m originally from sleepy Suffolk in the UK. I’m a crazy dreamer and with an insatiable desire for travel and adventure who could never settle for an ordinary life or conform with the norm.

After graduating from uni and ‘selling my soul’ as a corporate slave I started to feel like I was wasting the best years of my life behind a desk working for someone else’s passions and dreams. There had to be more to life than this!

If you think travel is dangerous try routine. It's lethal travel quote

Still, most of the time it’s easier to carry on with the routine of the daily grind, always dreaming that ‘one day’ you will take that trip, than that take that leap and leave your comfort zone.

The turning point for me was when I was told I had a detached retina and had to have an operation on my eye. It was the jolt I needed to realise that life is far too short to put off things off, or not make the most of every day, even in your twenties you are never too young to get sick.

The most dangerous risk of all travel quote
So after the operation I made up my mind to take control of my life, to live it the way I wanted not the way that society thought that I should.

So I saved like mad for 18 months, quit my job and left the UK in December 2012 to follow my dreams of a life of indefinite travel – to make the most of my precious time on earth. Since then I have travelled through much of India, Southeast Asia, Australia and Europe slowly, independently and affordably and my only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner!

Read More: My Journey to a Life of Full Time Travel

Overlooking Vagator beach in Goa
Me overlooking Vagator beach in Goa

Why I Travel

I believe that travel is so much more than simply seeing the sights – that travel, and the things you learn from it, can really change your life.

I travel to grow as a person, to meet others who inspire and educate me and to (hopefully!) do the same in return, to have my life enriched by the beauty and diversity of this amazing world and to have my eyes, mind and heart opened wide.

I travel to make the most of my time on earth, to make every day count, instead of counting down the days till the weekend or to a 2 week vacation – because life is simply too short for me to live it any other way!

But most of all I travel for freedom – to live life on my terms, to be in charge of my own destiny, to give myself the biggest luxury – Time. Time to pursue my passions, dreams and ambitions instead of spending the best years of life day dreaming out of a rain streaked window working all day for someone else’s dreams.

We Travel not to escape life travel quote

My Travel Style

Although I am self confessed travel addict I do not travel just to rush between the famous touristy sights ticking off a bucket list –  I don’t find this kind of travel fulfilling. I like to travel slow, to experience, understand and immerse myself in different cultures and to learn from them.

Instead of days I often spend a week or so (sometimes even months) soaking up everything a destination has to offer, meeting the locals, chilling out and looking beyond the tourists traps to get a real feel for the place – maybe wandering to explore and find little surprises off the beaten path or exploring the countryside on a motorbike without any real plan or destination in mind – just to explore and see what I find!

I like to travel on one way tickets whenever possible, I prefer not too plan to much but to be spontaneous and open to allow time for those chance meetings and random events that only happen when you take it slow and usually end up being the highlight of a trip.

dancing at a wedding party in India
Dancing at a wedding party in a rural village in India – amazing chance experiences like this usually only happen when you travel slow.

How do I afford to travel

Many people think that travel is simply too expensive to be a viable lifestyle choice. Of course, to travel long term you would need a small fortune to stay in luxury hotels every night but the reality is that living nomadic lifestyle is much more affordable, and achievable, than you think.

Of course, I had to make sacrifices to save the money I needed to break free, I have to be careful with money and I work hard while I travel but there are many ways you can travel for free, or even make money while traveling and there are many destinations where you can live/travel comfortably for only US$20 / £16 a day. Don’t let money worries put a hold on your travel dreams.

Read More: How I Afford to Travel (and loads of tips on how you can too!) 

However, I’m far from a shoestring traveller. I guess I would call myself a flashpacker – a kind of boutique backpacker!

One's destination is never a place but a new way of seeing things travel quote

What is a Flashpacker?

A Flashpacker has the same adventurous, independent spirit and lust for travel as a traditional backpacker but with a higher budget.

Flashpacker Family give a great definition of a flashpacker:


-noun,  -s, One who travels with the intrepid ethos of a backpacker but having added comfort, style and technology whilst still maintaining a sense of exploration and adventure.

Generally Flashpackers travel independently and look for adventure and unique experiences, often taking the same trail as backpackers but have a bigger budget.


This is what I mean! Flashpacking - backpacking in style
This is what I mean! Flashpacking – backpacking in style

Good value for money is important, especially when traveling long term, but so is style and comfort for a flashpacker. Sometimes spending a little extra on a flight to save a long, bumpy bus ride or checking into a boutique, character filled hotel (especially if we can find a great deal!) or taking an innovative, off beat day tour to really experience the best of a destination is worth the extra money for a more fulfilling travel experience – that’s what it’s all about after all.

For example, I love to stay at a heritage hotel where I feel like I can connect with the local culture in the comfort of my hotel room but I also like to stay in a backpacker hostel sometimes if I want to meet other travellers. I love traveling by train, meeting locals and seeing the landscape go by but sometimes I’m happy to pay a little more to save time.

Travel. You can always make more money, but you can't always make more memories
Travel. You can always make more money, but you can’t always make more memories

I’m happy just wandering around a city, exploring quaint lanes at my own pace but I also love to have an local guide who can show me all the off beat secrets and bring a city to life for me in a way that would be impossible alone and I would hate to miss out on a once in a lifetime activity, like diving the Great Barrier Reef or ballooning over the temples of Bagan, due to budget constraints but I’m quite happy to take a local bus or eat street food as it gets me closer to the local culture and saves me money for other things – perhaps you could call it luxury backpacking!

Are you a flashpacker?

Flashpacker’s are really quite common nowadays – I mean how many travellers hit the road without a smart phone? Do you check the price of the flight before deciding whether to take that 14 hour bus ride? Are you happy to pay a little extra for a more comfortable stay instead of staying at the dingiest and cheapest hostel? Do you splurge occasionally on a sunset cocktail at a swish rooftop or beach bar?  If you do, your probably a flashpacker like me!

To find out more Nomadic Matt wrote a great article about flashpackers and the changing face of the travel industry. 

me and Kevin at Aer bar
Kevin and myself at Aer Bar, at the Four Seasons Hotel enjoying cocktails overlooking the skyline of Mumbai

My favourite travel moments

I’m often asked my favourite destinations but as, for me, travel is also about the experiences rather than counting countries or ticking off sights – I’ve complied a list of my favourite travel moments instead:

Since Dec 2012, the highlights of my life of full time travel include;

Travel has been life changing

But more important than the sights I’ve seen, is the change that has occurred in me. I know it sounds cliché but it’s true – travel really has changed my life!

Travel has made me happier, less stressed and more confident, I’ve learned new skills, made more friends that I can count and most importantly of all I learned that the world is not a scary place, that people all over are inherently kind and I am constantly overwhelmed at the kindness of strangers.

And I’m only just getting started! The more I see the longer my bucket list grows and my only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner!

In Queensland, Australia while working in a country pub
In Queensland, Australia while working in a country pub

About Global Gallivanting

After I began traveling full time I was so inspired by what I saw and the lessons I learned that I started Global Gallivanting in February 2013 because I hoped that, by showing you all the incredible experiences and lessons learned from long term travel, I could inspire others to make their dreams a reality too.

I’m often asked what does ‘Gallivanting’ mean?

Gallivanting means – to roam or travel for pleasure

The Oxford Dictionary even gives this example for Gallivant:



Verb informal

To go around from one place to another in the pursuit of pleasure or entertainment.

“she quit her job to go gallivanting around the globe”

This is exactly what I did! Gallivanting sums up the way that I like to travel. I love to be free and travel spontaneously, I have an insatiable thirst for adventure, to explore the world slowly but surely, to marvel at it’s beauty, to immerse myself in the local culture and seeking adventurous, unique and off the beaten track experiences and to have the luxury of time – to learn, to laugh, to love, to breathe, to dream and to roam free.

Gallivanting around Kerala, India
Gallivanting around Kerala, India

What does Global Gallivanting aim to do?

I created Global Gallivanting to share with you, not just the stories, photos and reflections from a life less ordinary, but also to provide inspirational articles, practical tips and useful advice to inspire, educate and entertain other travellers. I want to show you that there is more to life than the 9 – 5 and that long term travel,or a nomadic lifestyle, can be an achievable, affordable and fulfilling lifestyle choice.

What does Global Gallivanting focus on?

  • Travel, lifestyle and adventures around the world
  • Culturally immersive and meaningful travel experiences
  • Adventurous , independent and off the beaten track travel
  • Travel in India, Southeast Asia, Australia and Europe
  • Solo female travel
  • Flashpacking (boutique backpacking)
  • Long term and slow travel
  • Living, working and volunteering abroad
Volunteering in a government school in Bangalore, India while working to promote Leave Ur Mark
Volunteering in a government school in Bangalore, India

So, welcome! Let me take you with me on my adventures around the world, let me share with you all the beauty it holds and show you how you can make your dreams of travel a reality too!  

Contribute to Global Gallivanting

I’m often inspired by my friends, other bloggers and amazing people that I’ve met on the way so I’m also sharing their stories of how they work and live abroad and getting all their local secrets and travel tips.

If you would like to contribute and help inspire others to travel please check out the guest post guidelines, for more inspiration check out the interviews with other nomads and of course, if I can help you with any travel questions or to work with me then just drop me an email!

Work with Global Gallivanting

I often work with like minded companies who I feel will be of interest to my readers, if you are interested in working with a travel blogger to promote your destination or travel related brand in a cost effective and engaging way then check out my Advertising, Marketing and PR page to request a media kit and schedule of rates.

Keep up to date with my travels and get in touch by following me on social media:






or drop me an email

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