Why I Love Living in Goa, India

I’ve just realized that I’ve written a lot about this tropical slice of paradise in the last few months while I’ve been living in Goa, but I haven’t actually told you perhaps the most important thing…

I’ve told you about the best beaches and parties, given you ideas of things to do off the beach, shared my costs of living, recommendations for the best places to stay and how to find a house to rent in Goa. 

So I thought I’d covered everything, but then I realized – I’ve written so much about Goa but I haven’t actually explained why I love living in Goa so much!

So Why Do I Love Living in Goa So Much?

i love goa sand

I guess the truth is that I can’t really explain why myself!

Is it just me or have you ever felt inexplicably drawn to place? Have you ever fallen instantly in love with the feeling that this place gives you – something intangible, you can’t really see it or touch it or explain it, all you can do is feel it and fall in love with the vibe, the energy and everything about it.

fishing boat agonda beach goa
Locals chilling out on Agonda Beach

Ever since my first visit to Goa on my first, whirlwind, trip around India, Goa had been calling me back. The pull grew stronger and stronger until I could not resist it anymore. And when I returned I was rewarded with some of the happiest months I’ve ever spent.

Ever felt like you just belonged somewhere, like you were right where you were meant to be?

This is how I feel about Goa, and I can’t quite explain how much I love this place, every day that passes here I find myself almost overcome with joy, I feel so lucky to be here living in Goa and it’s gonna break my heart to leave!

palolem beach huts goa
Beach shacks and fishing boats on Palolem Beach

Sure, the warm weather and the tropical beaches help, the charismatic red cliffs and green paddy fields scattered with white washed Portuguese churches and colorful temples.

Add in fresh seafood, rich curries and colourful markets; the infectious energy and life of India, the swish of a sari and the smell of sandalwood, spices and sea breezes, and not forgetting vibrant orange sunsets over the Arabian sea that never fail to mesmerize me.

Cute Portuguese churches in Goa
Cute Portuguese churches in Goa

The fact that I can live a comfortable life for very little also helps too, I love the luxury of time to pursue my passions and the freedom to live life my way, unconstrained by responsibilities, worries or the daily grind.

It’s not just me though, so many people decide to make Goa their home or return for holidays year after year. In fact, I have fallen in love with a totally new kind of community here.

Every day I’m inspired by the hippies, yogis, artists, free thinkers and soul searchers that have also come to love this corner of India and settle here for months on end every year. I’ve even met some who have never left since the heady days of the ‘hippie trail’!

Outside our house in Goa off to explore by motorbike
Outside our house in Goa off to explore by motorbike

I take huge pleasure in the simple things in life, I love to feel the wind in my hair and the total freedom to explore on my bike, zipping between villages and beaches without having any real destination – just going where the wind takes me.

Sometimes I think – how can I feel so at one in a country so unlike my own?

In the end I still can’t really explain why I love this place, it’s just a feeling, but then maybe that’s all I need to know, why over complicate things.

At one of my regular hangouts, Lilliputs, on Anjuna Beach
On Anjuna Beach

If you want more tips for Goa check out my Goa travel guide and all my other Goa blogs here.

Has somewhere stolen your heart on your travels and begged you to stay a while?



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isab April 17, 2015 at 4:13 pm

Ohhh yes I perfectly know what u mean!

Anna Phipps April 17, 2015 at 4:15 pm

Oh Great! Which places have you fallen in love with?

Matthew April 18, 2015 at 2:12 am

Great post Anna! I’ve been considering a location independent lifestyle, and Goa sounds like a fun place to start the adventure.

Veronika April 23, 2015 at 11:09 pm

Hey Anna..! 🙂 The photos of Goa are beautiful.. I’d love to go! And a feeling is often sufficient enough, no need to search for words 🙂 I really fell for Easter Island, a tiny speck of land with wild horses roaming freely.. (plus the Moai statues, of course:) )

Anna Phipps April 23, 2015 at 11:27 pm

Thanks Veronika! Yeah it’s weird isn’t it – Goa is great but I just can’t find the words to describe why I love it so much. It just feels right! Wow, that’s interesting I’ve never been to Easter Island did you get the feeling that you would like to stay and live there for a while?

Laura @ Bottled Air May 2, 2015 at 12:45 pm

Goa sounds lovely! We’re considering settling in Goa for a month or two after we’ve cycled to India. Right now it’s either Goa or a place in the mountains like Rishikesh or Dharamshala 🙂 Only downside is that Goa is sooo far south, so it would take us some extra time to actually get there with our bicycles 🙂

Great post & nice photos 🙂

Anna Phipps May 4, 2015 at 4:16 pm

Thanks, I love Goa it would be the perfect place to chill after cycling. Are you cycling all the way from China to India? Wow that would be interesting – can you cross the border overland now from Burma to India because when I last looked you couldn’t but things are changing really quickly there. You could put your bikes on the trains you know. Check out my guide on how to rent a house and live cheap in Goa if you plan on staying for a while! I’ll look forward to following your adventures 🙂 http://www.global-gallivanting.com/live-paradise-less-10-day/

Viv January 16, 2016 at 8:43 pm

Guys you are really lucky
I being an indian haven’the seen indiamond and ever visited goa I left indian when I was 21 and went west
No offence but I am tired from this culture feel isolated and especially London is dark☺
I am now planning to start living in goa for 3 maths every year and then eventuallyrics retire there
It’s a great post and very motivating. I would like to open a vegan restaurant a small shack in goa
I am all excited !

Anna January 22, 2016 at 5:49 pm

Yes, I love it so much here and I totally understand about the culture in London being lonely and dark not to mention expensive! That’s why I left! Theres a good community feel in North Goa and many people come for the season and many yogis and hippies and interested in vegan food so it sounds like a good idea! Good luck and I’m really glad that my posts have been useful and inspirational! 🙂

Jessie January 31, 2016 at 10:10 pm

I feel the exact same way about goa. Spent a month in anjuna and riding my scooter to mandrem and staying until the sunset… Pure simplicity and happiness 🙂

Anna February 2, 2016 at 3:44 pm

Yes, Goa is bliss! There’s no where quite like it! Glad you loved it as much as I did! 🙂

shivprasanna pednekar July 20, 2016 at 12:00 pm

I am goan and live in valpoi you just visit one time this place its in sattari taluka. This place has some beautiful rivers similar to Hollywood kind the place named as ” mhoaucho Guno” visit it its so peacefull and adventurous there. If you need help mail me I’ll show you that place I am 100% sure you will love that too!!!!

Anna July 21, 2016 at 11:01 pm

Hey! Thanks for stopping by. Wow Valpoi sounds really nice, I’m always on the look out for lesser explored places to discover in Goa and it looks like you have waterfalls there and I love waterfalls. I’ll be back in Goa after monsoon and hope I can find time to come and explore Valpoi. Thanks so much for the tip 🙂

Raj Goyat Swastik Holiday July 19, 2017 at 9:02 am

this is amazing place for couple also you are looking so beautiful

Global Gallivanting July 21, 2017 at 1:13 pm


Naydene Liebenberg July 19, 2017 at 11:27 am

I agree..I must admit I feel so at home in Goa. Thanks for sharing.

Global Gallivanting July 21, 2017 at 1:13 pm

Thanks glad u can relate 😊

ridhi August 5, 2017 at 5:55 pm

Hi Anna..can you tell me which place is better north goa or south goa? Bestest peaceful place in goa??

Anna August 5, 2017 at 6:02 pm

Hey Ridhi – its depends what you want really – North Goa is where the parties, markets and all the action is while South Goa is much quieter and the nature is more unspoiled. Have a look at more of my posts on Goa to know more – http://www.global-gallivanting.com/where-are-the-best-beaches-in-goa/

ridhi August 7, 2017 at 7:09 am

Thankss dear..i planning to visit goa…suggest me some good resturants vegan),

Anna August 8, 2017 at 11:48 am

Cool, my favourite Vegan restaurant is Bean me Up in Vagator. The owner also has a raw vegan place called Maa at Leela Cottages in Ashvem

ridhi August 9, 2017 at 3:25 pm

Thanks dear this information will really help me….

Rajan Chandna August 9, 2017 at 8:07 pm

Goa best place to live

tejas January 24, 2019 at 9:04 pm

Goa is just awesome! I once visited goa and it made go there once again.
I have explored only north goa.
next time when i will be visiting goa, it will be south part

Anna March 4, 2019 at 12:12 pm

Awesome! South Goa is a different experience from the north. Hope you will love both. Happy travels 🙂


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